Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sayonara to Crazy Town Saturday Political Soap Box 50

Have American politics shifted again?

Are we finally able to say sayonara to Crazy Town?  When Michelle Bachmann tries to start the new Congress with the umpteenth attempt to repeal Obamacare, is it finally being recognized for the lunacy that it is?  When virtually every politician who blathered about some version of "legitimate rape" was defeated at the polls?  When half the Republican party turns on the other half that is too stuck in the ideological middle ages to support Sandy disaster relief?

Maybe people are getting tired of a small group of Tea Party people, who are only there because of aggressive gerrymandering, continually trying  to hold the United States hostage to their economic demands before consenting what all the rest of us want.

Maybe the politicians are finally waking up to the fact that most Americans are members of the Git-Er-Done party, and find all this senseless, extremist grandstanding a waste of time.  Sometimes President Obama is frustrating to liberals like myself in the compromises he makes, but he by God gets it done!  I am grateful that we have a pragmatic President who can work with both sides, and also that we have a Vice President as gifted in legislative efforts as Joe Biden.

Maybe Fox News is starting to lose steam, as their positions seem less and less tenable and their reporting focus less and less credible.  The debacle with Karl Rove on election night, where he was even arguing with Fox's statistical analysis staff was embarrassing and eye-opening.

Maybe we can finally start to deal with some gaping problems in this country.  Maybe this is the year we can finally pass some sensible gun regulations.  Maybe we can pass comprehensive immigration reform.  Maybe both sides can relax their sphincters long enough to get some genuine tax reform. And we can hopefully pass some legislation to check climate change, because my friends, we are running out of time on that one!

It's a new year, and maybe I'm overly optimistic.  Plenty of time for the crazies to try to take back control, or for other events to grab the attention of the media circus.  (Still trying to figure out what a Kardashian is and why I should care).  We can always hope.

They'll still try to carry us back to Crazy Town.  But maybe, just maybe, this year when they do, we'll just point at them and laugh.  Silly Crazy Towners!


  1. Have American politics shifted again?

  2. I, frankly, do not see any "sphincter relaxing" happening anytime in the near future. I am so disgusted with all the political antics. I do not see anything substantial coming out of Washington in the next four years.
    I am sick of the posturing and the never-ending "pissing contest" between John Boehner and President Obama. Throwing constant barbs at each other just doesn't accomplish anything. I wish they would just shut up, get behind closed doors, sit down and get the job done.
    I never thought I would say that I am glad Joe Biden is there....hmmm.

  3. John Boehner has recently promised that he will not work with Barack Obama one-on-one more private meetings. We'll see.

    Biden? A;ways been a big fan of his, foot in mouth and all. Intelligent AND knows how to negotiate.

  4. If John Boehner doesn't have anymore one-on-one meetings with President Obama over the course of the next four years, that will be his downfall. Someone on the "other side" of the aisle that can't get anything done.
    I do feel that Joe Biden will ultimately be President Obama's saving grace in his second term.
