Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Vigil at the Honey Dew

He waited for her.  He was determined to wait however long it took.

The Honey Dew Diner, it's owner and staff, might have other plans in mind, however.  It was one of Crowley's favorite lunch spots, but it didn't serve an evening meal, and was a-fixin' to close at 2 PM, like it does every day, Monday through Saturday.  So if 2 PM up and came, and Adam Garnett was still sitting there, he would have to go, whether he wanted to or not.

No one except Adam thought Racine was actually going to show up.  The whole town seemed to understand that Racine Steel had moved past Adam, everyone, that is, except Adam.

Adam sat quietly at a table, nursing a Coke.  On the table were a dozen white roses, wrapped up at the end with green tissue paper. His left hand clutched them.  He could not take his eyes away from the door.

It was now 1:45.  Someone was going to have to break the bad news to him.  The staff drew straws, and Franny Goodkind got the short one.  It was going to be both easier and harder on her than it would have been on anybody else, because Franny was also sweet on Adam.  But Adam had never taken her any notice.  And how could she blame him when Racine Steel was around.  Brighter, prettier, with a sparkle in her eyes and soul that put all the other girls in Crowley to shame.

Adam was not a traditional handsome stud type.  But he had a soulful romantic charm that could even pull a girl like Racine in.  At least for a brief time. Adam was just too short and chunky to be truly popular.  Not to mention a complete ineptness at sports and most of what people would call normal conversational skills.   Still, when Franny looked into his eyes, she could almost feel herself drown.

She came up behind and just to his side.  "Adam, I don't know how to tell you this.  We're closing in about ten minutes, and it might be a good idea to be thinking about giving it up for today."

Adam turned his head and looked up at her.  She couldn't help but skip a tiny beat. Her heart flipped it's flop.  "Adam, I...I don't think she's coming here today.  Now, you know she's been seen back with Bobby Ray again. She's probably off watching him practice, or studying with him, or...or something."

Adam winced.  "No, she's coming here.  She comes here every Saturday to meet me.  I know I ain't seen much of her this week, but that shouldn't change this."  Of course, every Saturday had been just the last three Saturdays.  And for a moment, Franny could see doubt pass across Adam's face.  But that vanished quickly.  "No.  She'll be here.  I know she will."

The bell tinkled.  Racine stepped in.  Franny's mouth dropped open.  Adam smiled and started to stand up.

Racine was a vision.  Blond hair, perfect face, body curved in all the right places.  "Don't get up, Adam.  I just got a couple a things to say, and then I'll be on my way."

Adam tried to hand her the white roses, and she brushed them away.  They went back down on the table.  "Could you excuse us, Franny?"  Franny closed her mouth back up, nodded, and then left to go back to the kitchen area.

"Adam, the flowers are lovely, but I can't take them.  You know that," said Racine.

"But, Rayce, we're still seeing each other, aren't we?  You said that you liked me.  I mean, that you really liked me.  That you might even..."

Racine interrupted   "Yes, I did say those things.  And I meant it.  And I really don't want to stop being your friend.  It's just that...I need to be with Bobby Ray."

Adam winced.  "I don't understand.  Why do you need to be with Bobby Ray?"

Racine had a number of fellas, but Bobby Ray had always been her go to guy.  She had been with him more often than not.  Bobby Ray was tall and athletic and very good looking (mind you, trusting here the opinion of the Crowley female population).  He did not have Adam's imagination and romantic flair, nor were Bobby Ray's cultural needs or knowledge very pronounced.  "He's the man for me, Adam.  I'm sorry.  I love being with you and all, and I hope we can be friends (has any woman ever uttered a more soul-crushing phrase?) but me and Bobby Ray...we're too connected now."  Racine's hand went to her belly and gave it a slight rub.  Adam might not be able to figure that out, but Franny, watching from a distance, knew exactly what it meant.  Rayce had done raced off just a little too far with Bobby Ray.  Poor Adam.

Adam looked at her, confused but quickly trying to take in what was happening, and reassembled it into something that made sense to him, even though it was distant from reality. "Okay, I'll see you around, then.  I'll look forward to the next time."

Racine looked at him sympathetically.  Why wasn't she firmer?  Didn't she know she was leaving him dangling?  These questions were racing through Franny's mind.  "I will too, Adam."  She gave him a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and then walked out.

As she was leaving Adam said, "I'll keep those roses preserved for you!"  But if she heard him, she didn't acknowledge it.  Adam stood there smiling, as if he had every shot in the world with her.

At 2 PM, they had to ask him to leave.  Franny had to hold his hand and lead him to his car.

"Thank you, Franny, "Adam said, stepping into his car, setting the roses carefully down on the passenger side.  "See you next Saturday."

Franny's heart skipped another beat, until she realized he wouldn't be coming to see her.  It was still Rayce Racine Steel he would be coming for.

Love was a terrible, blinding thing.

1 comment:

  1. Awe! Can't wait to read this in the book form... Have a wonderful day.
