Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Coming to A Beach House (Ooops...I Mean Theater) Near You!

It's almost here!  The Dixie Swim Club is coming ashore this Thursday, packed with laughter, fun, emotion and nostalgia.  By the end of the play, you'll feel like part of the club, too!

Pictured above is the cast, taken just before they go to prepare for a group swim.  On the beach sofa arm rests, we have Nadine Borrelli as Vernadette Simms (the arm sling is just one of many mishaps she has over the years), and Caroline Sanford as the happy Jeri Neal McFeeley, the flaky nun with something extra.  Seated on the sofa are Mary Beth Kennedy as Lexie Richard, the genuine Southern belle who puts the sexy back in sexy (well, at least in her mind), and Anna Pinder as Sherri Richards, the super organized team captain.  And standing behind the sofa is Rhonda Powers as Dinah Grayson, the high powered Atlanta attorney who has a martini shaker and knows how to use it.

This is the rare cast where no one person dominates.  The lines are fairly even distributed and everyone fits their character to a tee. Chances are, if you have five different people who see the play, you'll have five different answers as to who their favorite is.

In this picture, the cast members are getting ready for the possibility of a surprise additional guest.

This may quite simply be the funniest show to ever hit the WACT stage!  So get into beach mode, and head on down to the Ritz this weekend!

Where?  How?  When?  All those marvelous details are in the poster below!


  1. Can we just present at showtime (we want to go for the 2:30 matinee on Sun) or do we need to call ahead for reservations? Mary Lewis

  2. Reservations are not required. They just guarantee seating. Usually non-musicals are not sell-outs. The first two performances had about 50 to 60 people, BUT those who did come were wild about it,,,,,I have never seen a show with as much audience laughter as this one, I hope this will build to larger audiences in the future as word of mouth builds.
