Saturday, October 4, 2014

October Speculatron Saturday Political Soap Box 93

Unemployment at its lowest since before the Great Bush Recession!

Stock market higher than ever!

Deficit lowering at astounding rates!

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare to the sneer crowd) is succeeding, even beyond expectations!

Osama Bin Laden done been gotten!

Financial reform...Lilly Ledbetter Act (helping us move towards equal pay for women)...American car industry SAVED....two wars extracted from ....Syrian chemical weapons dismantled without any American losses....a record number of terrorists targeted and eliminated....virtually no taxes raised on the middle class...on and on and on I could go.

Polls show that the Republicans in Congress are more unpopular than the President or the Democrats in Congress.  Only Ebola may be less popular than the Republicans in Congress.

So who will win the House and Senate this Fall?  Why....Republicans, of course!

Thank you, Mr. Gerrymandered districts!  Thank you, Democratic leaning voters who only turn out in Presidential elections! Thank you, those American voters who cannot CONNECT THE FRIGGING DOTS!  The same polls that show that Americans despise the Republicans in Congress, also show that by a narrow margin Americans will vote for.....Republicans in Congress.

The Democrats will defy the convention of the party that has Presidency losing seats in the House and instead gain 6 to 10 seats.  This sounds exciting, but it is not enough to wrest control.  The final breakdown will be in the neighborhood of Republicans 222 and Democrats 213.  Majority rules in the House, so the Republicans will stay in charge.  And since the Republicans cannot effectively do anything without the consent of the TeaPartyAmerika wing, madness and chaos will continue to reign in the House.

The Senate will be razor close.  If the Democrats stay in control, it will be with the assistance of independents (the independent Senators from Vermont (Bernie Sanders) and Maine (Angus King), possibly joined by a third from Kansas (Greg Orman)).  It may be 50-50 with the tie broken by Vice President Joe Biden.  I don't want to predict that the Republicans will the Senate, but I do fear it.  I fear it mightily.

And if they do, who will the American people blame for all the stuff that does not happen?  Will they illogically blame the Democrats and the President?  Or will they understand that the nightmarish inaction and reversals of progress come from a Republican party still hellbent on destroying the President?  When we're plunged into insanely unwarranted impeachment actions, who will they blame?  When we fall further and further behind in infrastructure and science and renewable energies, losing our competitive edge around the world, who will they blame?  When additional austerity measures destroy our fragile economic progress, who will they blame?  When the hated Obamacare is dismantled and roadblocked, and people lose the things about it that they like (BUT DON"T EVEN UNDERSTAND CAME FROM OBAMACARE), who will they blame?

I would like to think that if Republicans took control of the Senate, that would be enough to wake people up.  I'm not sure that it will.  And that terrifies me.

2016 is still in the hands of Hilary Clinton.  If she stays healthy and chooses to run, she should be our next President.  The Republicans have a harder they cater to the crazies and run a Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, or do they try mainstream yet again, with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie or (HA!) Mitt Romney?  I still think a third party split is possible.

Well, there it is, folks.  My pre-election Speculatron.  Remembers if I'm right, you heard it here first.  If not, I'm not sure this post even exists.

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